Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Tancer, Bill, Click. New York: Hyperion, 2008.


“Click” is a book written by Bill Tancer an online researcher and general manager of global research at Hitwise, the world’s leading online competitive intelligence services.  Tancer’s book has some really interesting thoughts on the Internet and what people spend hours a day doing on-line. We have to wonder what the long-term damage might be from all of this “surfing the web.” Tancer believes that there will most likely be some soft of repercussions to all of this Internet use. I think this book is really interesting especially coming from a man that frequents as a guest on CNBC, has been quoted by numerous well know money magazines, and writes a weekly column for Time Magazine. He obviously knows what he is talking about.

Library Field Trip

During my trip to the Jefferson County Library I did quite a bit of research on my topic of Technology and Relationships. In my other blog posts I posted a few books that I have found to help me do my final paper. I actually really enjoyed doing the research. I found that the library was a very peaceful atmosphere. A lot of times when I go to the Library I don't feel as productive as if I were doing research from the comfort of my own home but during this trip I felt like I really got a lot done. 

The Dumbest Generation

Bauerlein, Mark. How the Digital Age Stupefies Young Americans and Jeopardizes Our Future (Or, Don’t Trust Anyone Under 30). Penguin Group, 2008.


  I thought this book was a really interesting resource for me. It is a brutally honest portrayal of our generation and our use of technology. The Dumbest Generation talks about how technology has made us lazy in every aspect of our lives including relationships. This book also addresses the ties between obesity and technology. It is a concern that the epidemic of obesity could be partly due to things like video games and not enough exercise as children. Bauerlein describes this generation as being very disconnected to each other because of our technological advances; we are unable to carry on a successful relationship. I chose this book because I think it really proves the point that I am trying to make.  

Graph On Divorce Rate In America

  • American Social Indicators, 2006: Getting Better But Feeling Worse. Graph. 2005.


I chose to include this graph to show the divorce rate in America. The reason I feel this is important to my research is because I think that one of the reasons that the divorce rate has gone up is because of the rapid growth in technology. Could it be that we are paying more attention to our technology devices than to our spouse's? 




How Does Technology Affect You?

Fanning, John J. ”Chief Engineer: How Dees Technology Affect You?” 23 June 2009. 26 June 2009.


This article has a good way of describing what kinds of effects technology can have on you.  It gives a glimpse into the future and what may be around the corner. The article gives a great thought on technology. It goes into a description that technology fuels more technology and it may be unfavorably on freedom, privacy and liberty. Going over board with technological development could threaten our very existence. Fanning also goes into more detail with his theory; a company in Japan has actually developed a new technology, which would turn humans into remote controlled automatons. There is a definite concern that we as humans are playing God too much. How advanced do we have to be, before it is too much? 

How Computers Affect Our Children.......

Healy, Jane. How Computers Affect Our Children’s Minds-For Better and Worse. Simon and Schuster, October 2000.

This book is a great guide to the development of Children’s minds in a technological age. It really researches different theories and tells the reader about the different affects that computer use does on the mind at different ages. I chose this book because I think it give a great description of how children handle technology.  I really think that these studies helped me to understand the consequences of technology wheatear that is negative or positive. Teaching your children from a young age that technology can be very helpful in some situations but it should not have an affect on your personal relationships is a key idea of development for children. This book is an excellent resource of showing what the future may look like.



Creative Argument Assignment

I really thought this assignment was fun and I love anything that allows me to use my Creativity. I made up a character for my advice column named "Super Edna" The Advice Lady. I wanted to create a character that was fun and this is what I came up with.... I thought this was a great way to explore a different side of this project. Super Edna gives women advice about their troubled marriages due to technology. 

Interview from Research Paper

Here is the result from my primary source used in my research paper.

Michelle: Dr. Pamela, do you council any couples that are having problems due to any sort of technology?

Dr. Pamela: “Yes, I actually do.”

Michelle: What sort of problems do you come across with your patients that deal with technology?

Dr. Pamela: Well, the most reoccurring problem that I come across is website pornography mostly on the husbands end. I also come across couples (men and women) that are having a difficult time with each other because of insecurities when it comes to networking sites such as MySpace and Facebook. One other problem I run into is husbands or wives feeling neglected from their partners because so many people are taking their work home nowadays that there is hardly anytime spend with the family.

Michelle: Do you feel that these problems could eventually turn into divorce or are they usually things that couples can work out?

Dr. Pamela: “Always our ultimate goal with counseling is to try and work out the problems the couple is having and have them remain together but sometimes the problems continue or there are other issues that are so deep that the couples decides to part ways.” 

Michelle: What is the best advice that you can give couples that are having these issues in their marriage?

Dr. Pamela: “Well, with things like pornography that can definitely be an addiction so depending on how frequently the person is resorting to that I would say that a support group would be very helpful. With other things like the networking sites and just over use of the internet I try and just talk it out with the person and determine why this is going on and how often? Why is it important to you and do you realize how much it hurts and bothers your partner? Once all of these things are out in the open then it is really up to the person to decide to stop or not. Lastly, with taking work home with you I really feel that there is a time and a place for work and a time and a place for family. I personally think there needs to be a separation between the two or it could be very detrimental to your relationship.”

Michelle: Do you as a professional think that there can be any good that comes out of technology for couples?

Dr. Pamela: “Honestly, yes I actually do. I have met so many couples that have met their spouses from dating sites on the internet and most of them are actually really happy. I think that sites like EHarmony and are very safe and effective alternatives and I would suggest this more than meeting someone at a bar or night club.”

Michelle: Lastly, do you feel that since all the technological advances that may be a reason for the higher divorce rate?

Dr. Pamela: “I definitely think that could be apart of it, anything that is over excessive whether it be with technology or otherwise could be potentially harmful to a relationship. One thing that I do believe is that more couples are unfaithful to one another because of networking sites. I think that if you are married you should definitely keep yourself in reality and know that you need to be carful what you are doing on your computer. The fact is that relationships are hard enough with out you throwing something like technology into the mix.”

New York Times Article

One of the articles that I used quite a bit for my research is this article from the New York Times. I really found this article useful because it really helps me prove my point about Technology interfering with our relationships. Here is an exert from Hafner's article that I used in my research paper. "A study by sociologists at Duke and the University of Arizona that gained wide attention this summer found that too much computer use can isolate one further from a shrinking circle of confidants." I thought this quote was really interesting and definitely helps my case. 

Hafner, Katie. "Laptop Slides Into Bed in Love Triangle." Aug. 2006. 23 June 2009
